PhD Programme

Diversity and Inclusion
We encourage candidates from all backgrounds, identities, and experiences to join the Nature Inspired Acoustics (NIA) Doctoral School.

Overview – Programme and Benefits
The NIA School will fund 21 PhD scholarships to be awarded across 2024-2026, namely 18 PhD scholarships open to UK-based students, including 3 Master’s Plus PhD scholarships targeted for low income and Black UK students, and 3 PhD scholarships open to international students. All PhD scholarships will fully support:

  • a 4-year interdisciplinary research project;
  • tax-free stipends of approx. £19,162 per annum during the 4-year project;
  • training in a novel programme of transformative, interdisciplinary research working; and
  • training in professional skills development, including data management, entrepreneurship, project management and communications.

Interdisciplinarity and Research Themes
We welcome applicants from a range of disciplinary backgrounds, including physical sciences, engineering, architecture, and business. The NIA School aims to draw on the foundations of all these disciplines to develop researchers with a unique set of future-oriented, interdisciplinary research skills and transform nature-inspired acoustics-based research. While some projects may focus heavily on a single discipline (e.g., 90% of research time), others may be more broadly interdisciplinary.

When applying for the programme, applicants should select their main research theme(s) of interest within the NIA School on the cover letter form (see Applications page). These are:

  • Bioinspired Chemistry & Materials Engineering
  • Nature-Inspired Sensors & Devices
  • Socially Intelligent Management of Built Environments
  • Future & Foresight

Additional details about the themes and example projects are given in the Research Themes and Projects page.

Interdisciplinary Training
All students in the NIA School will undertake training in “Futures” and “Foresight” techniques from the first year to identify bottlenecks in established methodologies, plan research contingencies, and set goals and strategic directions of their projects under the supervision of NIA academics. They will develop an understanding of how different versions of the future (i.e., scenarios) may be realised as scientific and social developments unfold. Together with other NIA students and academics, the NIA School as a whole will analyse the wealth of potential inspirations and interactions available in nature to transform nature-inspired acoustics-based research.

The above interdisciplinary training is unique to the NIA School. It will be integrated with established professional skills training, including data management, entrepreneurship, project management and communications within University of Strathclyde’s Researcher Development Programme (RDP). Completion of the RDP is a prerequisite to obtaining the PhD at Strathclyde, and students will be awarded the PG Cert in RDP together with their PhD in recognition of their comprehensive training.

PhD Research
To be awarded the PhD, students should conduct an original, interdisciplinary, and significant body of research under the supervision of at least two members of the NIA academic staff.

An original piece of significant research signifies that i) the student has demonstrated intellectual independence, and ii) the research makes identifiable novel insights or understanding deemed by the scientific community to be worthy of publication.

Independence may be gauged by, e.g., the student acquiring by the time of submitting their PhD thesis, an ability to develop their own research ideas and to select appropriate methods for conducting their research, or even to lead others to assist in their research.

All applicants must have obtained or be expected to obtain their bachelor’s or master’s degree at a level equivalent to a UK 1st or 2.1 classification by the time of enrolment.

UK Scholarships
Our PhD scholarships will cover all tuition fees but applicants must meet the eligibility criteria for home fees status set by the Scottish government. This is generally met by applicants who are:

  • UK citizens resident in the UK for the past 3 years, or
  • EU citizens with ‘settled’ or ‘pre-settled’ status in the UK, or
  • Applicants with ‘indefinite leave to remain or enter’ status in the UK; • See UKCISA for further guidance and exceptions (

International Scholarships
International candidates must qualify for a UK student visa and have the means to travel to the UK to attend the programme.

There is a 2-stage application process. In the first stage, applicants should submit their detailed CV together with a cover letter following the instructions given on the Applications page. In the second stage, short-listed candidates will attend an online interview. Outcomes will be communicated by email in the week following the interview. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis until positions are filled. Evaluations will start March 28, 2024.

The cover letter should explain the following:

  • Research and academic background;
  • Personal interest in a specific research theme or themes; and
  • Fit to the NIA School and how their background and interest might fit with the research theme(s) indicated.

Enquiries should be emailed to